A rambling blog with photos (candid, aircraft and obscure)
All images (c)2006-2008 Jon Pumpkin unless otherwise stated.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
(c)2006 Jon Pumpkin
Actually an MK Airlines 747 Freighter ex-Manston, but all that stuff's been lost in creating this sihlouette. Dunno if it works. Opinions very welcome.
After cropping, adjusted the levels to seriously clip the shadows and darken the main image. Duplicated the image and overlaid it usig a soft light blend. Used a bit of distort glow - forget how much, but it was a very low value - to bring out the highlights and the cloud texture. Used a bit of hue colorize to give it a slight edge.
I think it works very well: there is an audience for aircraft photos where you can't read every serial number ;-)
how did you create it?
After cropping, adjusted the levels to seriously clip the shadows and darken the main image. Duplicated the image and overlaid it usig a soft light blend. Used a bit of distort glow - forget how much, but it was a very low value - to bring out the highlights and the cloud texture. Used a bit of hue colorize to give it a slight edge.
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